Every morning started with a visit to the chicken coops. Their roof had about 6″ of snow on top, but the girls were still active during the daytime.
We would bring them warm water in the morning and again in the afternoon, before their bedtime.
Our Rhode Island Red, Florence, is under the weather and separated from the other chickens. She got special treats of Greek yogurt every morning to keep her protein levels high.
Their runs were half covered in snow, but they seemed otherwise happy. We were watching carefully to make sure everyone’s energy levels seemed good.
The garden put on a spectacular ice show. I got to steal some moments here and there to snap photos.
Being cooped up inside for days was making me stir crazy, so we took long walks through our urban winter wonderland to help stay active.
Juniper was a trooper in the snow. Even with snowflakes caught in her eyelashes, she was still enjoying the discovery of this white fluffy stuff.
Being cold is no fun. Being wet is no fun. Being both cold and wet is just miserable. I’m smiling in the freezing rain because I am neither cold nor wet. It’s worth it to have decent snow gear.
It was fun to be forced to relax at home, bake up a storm and slow down. How are you faring through the cold of winter? Any secrets to share on surviving the snow with little ones? We were running out of creative options to stay entertained!
I was wondering how you were doing with the cold and snow. I’m glad to hear all is well and to see you out enjoying the snow.