Existing shed at our new place
A local contractor rehabbed the shed, salvaging what wood he could, and rebuilding the structure. I drew up plans for him to add a chicken run, including a 3-D model with dimensions. Our new neighborhood has raccoons and I wanted something heavy and sturdy for our flock.

Bird’s eye view of the new shed/chicken coop design

View east of the new shed/chicken coop design

View south of the new shed/chicken coop design
Construction took about four days with three tough guys on the job. After day one, our backyard looked like the shed exploded. Some wood was able to be salvaged, but most was rotten.

The exploded shed
We are building the hen house part of the coop ourselves. It will essentially be a big wooden box with a hinged side to open for cleaning. It will sit on the floor of the shed, which is about 2-3′ higher than the floor of the run. I’m so excited to have a dry, protected area for the bedding, feed and other supplies.

Red dashed line shows where access door will be cut. Interior red line shows where hen house will be built.
The contractor added some nice venting along the roof. Along with the two existing windows, the girls should be able to get some nice fresh air into their coop. People can be overly concerned with making the hen house air tight, but it’s actually healthier for them to get fresh ventilation.

Shed vents – openings with wire coverings
The girls are already enjoying the new run. Portland has been pouring rain the last couple days and I am so happy to report the run has stayed nice and dry. No more leaky roof!
Stay tuned for updates later this summer as we get the hen house finished and paint the shed. There are so many major changes planned for this soon-to-be-garden. It already feels more like home to have the girls happily settled in their new digs.
Hi Renee – how is the smell in the shed? We’re consdering doing something similar, but others have warned the chickens will stink up the entire place.
The smell is not so bad, as we change their bedding weekly. But the dust! Goodness, it gets everywhere – through every nook and cranny on their hen house and into the shed.