By June we will be swimming in currants! Both red and black, our many currants shrubs are already working on ripening tons of berries.
The old lilac tree outside my kitchen window reminds me every morning that spring is in full swing.
So many fuzzy green apricots! If these all ripening, I’m really not sure what we will do with all this fruit. The tree is covered with them! Time to stock up on some canning recipes I guess…
The ornamental Bleeding Heart along the north side of our house is one of the only blooming plants in that area. It’s protected from the chicken coop and is a surprising burst of color in an otherwise shady spot.
The asian persimmon right outside Juniper’s nursery window is already leafing out. My eyes are glued to it daily waiting for the inconspicuous green flowers to emerge. We got our first fruit last year and I’m hoping for more this season.
What is blooming or setting fruit on your homestead? Every little flower or green fruit seems to be a whisper of encouragement for the growing season ahead of us!
Lovely! I love seeing new blooms ever spring. So far, we have some tulips starting to come up and the iris’ are on their way as well.
Our peach was the first to bloom with many pink flowers. Since then our pear has bloomed as well. One apple is getting close but the other is still a bit behind (two varieties). The blueberries look good and the raspberries are leaving out but no flowers yet.
I loved swimming in those currants while we lived there!
Our garden is awash in cherry blossoms right now, whetting my appetite for barrels of cherries I can hardly wait for, and the baby peach tree is getting started with tiny green peaches.