Prior to Junebug entering our lives, I could have whipped the garden into shape over the course of a weekend. But now with baby in tow, it really takes a village to pull off bigger events like presenting my thesis or hosting a photo shoot. Friends helped out by pulling weeds, cutting back overgrown plants and holding baby Juniper. In trade, they went home with fresh duck eggs and canned raspberry jam from our backyard.
The shoot itself went really well and we loved sharing our piece of paradise with the photography team. They got some great shots of the gorgeous heirloom vegetables, bees buzzing like crazy around our herb spiral and, of course, the duck and chicken coops.
After the shoot wrapped and the team took off, Jay and I hung out on the patio eating fresh figs and snuggling baby Juniper. It was the perfect way to celebrate the homestead we have been working so hard on. Our homestead should be in their spring or summer issue next fall. I will be sure to let you all know when it hits the stands!
There may be a garden party in the near future to share the gorgeous garden with friends while it’s looking so picture perfect. Are you sprucing up your space for summer entertaining? Are you taming the wild corners of the garden, or taking a more hands off approach?