My thesis is titled Equal Access: Providing Urban Agricultural Benefits to Under-Served Communities. It will be available through interlibrary loan, so even if you attend another school you can still borrow my thesis from your library. It will also be available soon through Google Scholar. In addition, I am posting the thesis in its entirety through the link above for people to easily access. It combines my interest in urban farming with my desire to help under-served communities.
Substantial research identifies access to healthy foods as a significant barrier for under-served communities. Urban farm locations could be more strategically planned to connect healthy food access to these vulnerable communities. In this study, under-served communities are those at highest risk for food insecurity, childhood obesity and poor community cohesion (high crime and few public gathering spaces).
Nutrition: easily accessible, practical experience with healthy foods
Food security: flexible payment options, affordability
Community Cohesion: lower crime, catalyst for change, civic participation
In addition to these three primary benefits, urban farms also offer these secondary benefits:
Work Opportunities
Stronger local economy
Farmer stability
Mentorship for next generation farmers
Preservation of historic (now urban) farm sites
I used a program called GIS to map where under-served communities live in Portland. The areas at highest risk of food insecurity, childhood obesity and poor community cohesion were the areas most in need of increased access to an urban farm (shown above).
The final step of my project was looking at sites in those neighborhoods that could be suitable for large-scale farming. I created a set of criteria of what makes a good urban farm site and used GIS to find sites in these at risk neighborhoods. The final five sites that met my criteria are shown above. My project examined the challenges and opportunities associated with each site.
I am really proud of the work I produced and am excited for it to be available for others to review. I never got tired of my thesis topic, despite months and months of working away at it. You and I are doing our part to put healthy food on our tables. This project was my way of making a contribution toward putting healthy food on many more people’s tables.
Congrats! I look forward to reading it!
Hi Renee! I am really enjoying your thesis so far (about 1/2 way through). I am really considering buying some land for farming and your thesis gives so many great reasons. Keep up the good work.