I’m pretty under the weather, as I came down with a horrible virus promptly upon arrival in Eugene earlier this week (which I think Junebug has as well). It was challenging to juggle being so sick with being a single parent for a week and putting together a massive presentation. But I pushed through, kept my eye on the prize, and pulled off a great presentation despite feeling like a shell of a person.
With that behind me, the next couple days will be full of rest and recovery as I continue to fight this monster off. I am so excited to share my research with you since it’s all about urban farming and how it can benefit communities. However, it needs to wait until next week. I have a date with my bed, some coconut water, and a snugly baby.
Until next week my friends…
Hey, congratulations!
Wow, Congrats!! Came across your blog while doing research for my MLA thesis on urban farming and communities and I am so happy the world of the internet connected me to you. I too had a baby during my last semester of my MLA program so I fully appreciate all you have juggled and accomplished. Very impressive! Hope you both feel better soon.