Our cherry tree is in full bloom and the squirrels are all licking their paws waiting for the fruit to set. The tree is in decline and barely scrapes through each season. We’ll see if it can bounce back with a little extra TLC from us this year.
Tulips!! Is there anything prettier? My favorite springtime flower has multiplied all over the garden in the couple years we were away from the homestead. The bulbs were leftover party favors from our wedding years ago.
Naturally Juniper needed to meet these beloved, delicate friends of mine. Balancing the baby on the knee while taking pictures is not graceful, although no one got hurt.
Our European pear is starting to take cues from the cherry. The buds are beginning to swell. Maybe this will be the first year of fruit from the tree we planted five years ago?
Goodness, so much to juggle! Thesis, baby, an exploding garden… What are you juggling? What is blooming on your homestead? So much to do, but it’s so crazy beautiful outside at this time of year!
Love reading your blog!
It’s not quite a homestead, but we have a few things going on down here in the Bay Area.
Our pomegranate tree has a few flowers about to open. Two years ago we had so many blooms it was incredible, and three actual fruit! Last year was a bust. A few blooms, no fruit. This year, we’re crossing our fingers.
Our chickens are in full laying mode but still a bit less than last year (to be expected).
We’ve planted some corn, too. I wonder if that wasn’t too early, but it’s all started sprouting and we’ll see where it goes.