I have been trying to figure out how I can still graduate this June, but be back in our Portland homestead sooner. We’ve managed to work out a deal where I can finish the program while being based in Portland – woohoo! I’ve intentionally kept the garden, chickens and ducks portable, so everything is getting moved up north in about a month.
I will still be taking classes, some at the White Stag building downtown, and working on my thesis. Being home will really make me feel grounded and let me focus on these last few months of school, to push through and finish on time. I can’t wait!
My spare time lately has been spent nesting – big time. I have (somewhat embarrassingly) put together digital material boards for every room in our house. I have also been carefully updating our planting plan for our food forest, filling in those little holes with a new batch of edibles.
I’m excited to share the new garden plan with you when it’s ready, which should be soon. It will be a crazy month finishing this school term, packing and moving (or rather watching people move my stuff since I’m going to be like 7 months pregnant…). But I can’t wait to be back in the city I love, snuggled into our cozy house and watching the garden wake up this spring.