I have been volunteering intermittently at the Urban Farm between summer vacations and it is just bursting there right now. I probably consume more food while I’m working than I help grow… but hey, who’s keeping track. I had to keep a food diary recently and it’s funny how many entries were “1/2 cup assorted garden veggies…” or “one pint cherry tomatoes…”
My favorite garden snack has been the Sunburst cherry tomatoes, a delicious little orange variety. We are making simple salads with them sliced in half and throw together with some mozzarella and basil leaves, then tossed with oil, vinegar, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. I have probably eaten a good gallon of that.
And then there are the winter squashes – what?!?! How is it possible that we are that far along? I took home some yummy Delicata squashes, one of my all-time favorites, and roasted it up with some butter and pepper. I don’t believe in adding a lot to really good, fresh ingredients. Keep it simple and enjoy that taste difference between store bought and home grown.
I would love to hear what you are munching on while you work in your garden! Peppers, tomatoes, green beans? Also, are you getting the late summer season panic? Hint: you should say yes to make me feel like I’m in good company…
We have some brussel sprouts growing and this is one garden veggie that I look forward to. There is nothing more wonderful than this roasted fresh with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Just can’t bring myself to buy these in the grocery store after I have enjoyed them out of my own garden – not into disappointing myself!!
Ooooh, so good! I usually plant mine for an early spring harvest, but glad you are enjoying those little green jewels already!