Pepper is our black runner duck and one of the first to be named. She seemed spunky and energetic right off the bat. Her fuzz in the picture above has been replaced with jet black feathers. We can catch hints of green in their shine when it’s sunny outside. Beautiful!
The next duck to get named was Mildred, or Millie for short. Millie seemed timid at first, but appears to be a contender for the top of the pecking order. Her coloring is described as chocolate and she appears to be the bravest when we hand feed them.
Bertie (Birdie) is the white and fawn colored duck who was named by my nephew Evan. She has the classic yellow beak and was always the bigger duckling from the start. She turned out to be pretty shy and usually hangs back in the flock to see what the other girls do. Her baby fuzz has been replaced with lots of beige feathers.
And finally, our favorite, Bess. She is the blue duck who has light gray feathers and a blue-tinted beak. We loved the classic name for such a classically elegant lady. Bess is the other contender for the top of the pecking order.
The ducks have been so easy to raise and are now making the transition to living outside on their own. They are a tight-knit flock, always sticking together. Hopefully they will begin to relax more seeing us with them in the backyard. Despite our efforts, they seem to be a bit skittish still.
Cute duckies!!! Love the names.
Saw a coyote in the hood yesterday….for those of you who don’t know my “hood” it is in a well established SE neighborhood of Portland (Westmoreland) just a mile from downtown! Pretty weird but I guess they are opportunists so guard those ducks and chickens!