The recent winter rains have really helped the new garden bed mulch layers settle. To prep for seed planting,I tossed the large bed up with a pitch fork like I was a hand mixer for the soil. The chicken poop, straw, leaves and soil are starting to become one. They should be much more broken down when my larger spring goes in a month from now.
This morning I just planted peas along the (ugly) chain-link fence that edges one side of my garden plot. It’s essentially a built in trellis I can make useful and prettier with peas and beans. I’m already dreaming of savory pea soups and crispy stir-fry.
In the mean time, still more cold days ahead and even snow in the forecast. I keep snipping kale, chard and spinach from the Urban Farm to get me through these last cold weeks of winter.
haha…growing anything to hid a chain-link fence is a good thing, growing something pretty you can eat…even better
Look at that grass on the ground! It feels like we are ages behind you in seasons as I still have a glacier of snow in my front yard here on the east coast. We are going to start our indoor seeds soon so should place my seed order. Is there a place you recommend ordering from? And have you posted a planting list already? Would love to know what you’re growing…