This weekend I got fed up and decided to just buy an “instant” garden. I dropped $30 bucks at my favorite local garden store and came home with kale, chard, lettuce, arugula, peas, cabbage, asian greens and the like. I spent a couple hours in the rain transplanting everything to its new home.
It makes me feel like cheating to buy transplants when I have all these cool seeds at home and a grow light. Between school and some large writing projects, I decided to make it a little easier on myself by taking some shortcuts. I now have one less thing to worry about as all my little plants begin to grow in with a healthy start.
The next task is covering them all with a large sheet of plastic, weighted down on the ends with some bricks to keep it from the wind blowing it off. That will create a temporary green house that warms the plants and soil, helping them grow in faster. My goal is to have dinner ready in the backyard in about 2-3 weeks.
Despite my plans to spend the summer in New York City, I still can’t help wanting to have a beautiful garden at my temporary home here. The future tenants will surely enjoy the bounty this summer.
that’s such a trip…in portland i sowed my seeds directly, no cover, last month, and they are coming up like crazy…raised beds for some (greens, carrots, onions), in the ground (peas) for others…
I’m starting things from seed out in the garden this year, despite plans for starting seedlings indoors. It’s just hard for me to carve out time for that. But if I don’t have success with them, I’m totally going to go buy plants. I want a big harvest this year, no matter how the plants get in the ground in the first place.