Most of the larger vegetables in the ground are lettuce varieties: red butterleaf, romaine, green leaf, etc. The arugula is getting huge already. As the temperatures get hotter through the Spring, the greens will eventually give way for tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other heat-loving plants. Careful crop rotation throughout the season is a smart way to maximize the variety of vegetables you can grow out back.
Red and green spinach leaves are looking really lush along the perimeter of the greenhouse. I am not sure if there is a taste difference between the two varieties, but I am looking forward to some experimentation.
We had a gorgeous, sunny weekend a few days ago and the greenhouse was incredibly comfortable to putz around in. It was warm and humid, reminding my of what summer feels like. I have secret plans to take a nap in there sometime soon and just enjoy being surrounded by my little green friends again. After experiencing what a difference a greenhouse can make in all-season gardening, I can’t wait to build a mini version in the future.
A nap in there sounds like the best thing I can imagine! I have small vertical greenhouse I’ve started lettuce, broccoli and spinach in; even some basil seeds have started to poke their heads out (plotting gobs of pesto this summer).
Cheers to spring!