The small pints of jams and jellies always get well used. I drop dollops into plain yogurt, make sandwiches, use on my breakfast breads and even fill cake layers with. Jams especially are so easy to make and so fun to pick fruit in preparation for. About half of my berries make it home with me and the process of mixing with sugar and boiling down takes less than an hour.
The asian pear cider we made this fall keeps getting better and better. It is slightly sweet, adequately carbonated, and really smooth to drink. I wasn’t able to test the alcohol content, but I would say it’s pretty strong. You can’t taste how strong it is though, which is a bit sneaky.
I thought I was canning too much marinara sauce this season. With access to the Urban Farm‘s tomatoes in exchange for farm labor, I came home with buckets and buckets of rich San Marzanos – perhaps the best sauce tomato – all of which was put away. Learning from years past, I am “grocery shopping at home” before I run to the store. That means I take an inventory of what I have to meal plan around what needs to be used. This week it was a lovely lasagna that used a quart of marinara and some frozen, roasted red peppers that I saved from the summer. Deliciousness.
Seed catalogs are pouring in! Meanwhile school has started for the term and I am trying to keep my head above water. More food in the cupboards means I don’t need to worry too much about how I can stay healthy this winter.
Do you also can stewed tomatoes? We don’t eat a lot of fresh tomatoes (except for the little grape ones), but we use the stewed ones in everything from soup to chili. I’m wondering if I should go with a paste for this…
I can totally relate to the hard work of canning paying off all winter. It feels so great when I open the cupboard and see all the jars of jam. I think I’m going to make it until the next berry season. Relish and pickle supplies are hanging in there, and I still have some peaches, apples, and cherries. Unfortunately I did not have a chance to can tomatoes last summer and I really miss them. I was looking at tomato seeds online today, so I’m definitely going to be growing as many as possible in my new yard this summer.
It’s lovely to eat from the summer surplus and having jars of tomatoes is so useful !
I bet your jams are great – I always prefer other people’s to mine.