This sentimental feeling kind of snuck up on me as I walked around. Maybe it came from the stress of wrapping up finals, or the relief that school was over. Perhaps it came from the realization that I was finally so close to boarding a plane to New York, to being with Jay again. It was six weeks since we saw each other last.
In a few weeks we enter a new year, a new gardening season. The seed catalogs will come in the mail and I’ll pour over them with a mug after mug of tea. It will be all planning, eagerness and anticipation. I’ll get seed pots ready and soil mixed.
But for one short morning, I wanted to capture the stillness of the Urban Farm in winter. Click on the picture to see the larger version, although this image only captures about 1/3 of the actual farm. It’s something to remind me that I have a place waiting for me back in Eugene.
Goodbye for now farm. I’ll miss you.
Safe travels, lady. I love the pictures! Looking forward to seeing what you do next year.
What seed catalogs do you use? I have never bought seeds from a catalog, but I think we are ready to branch out from the seeds we buy at the local stores(not much variety).
I most often buy seeds from either Baker Creek Heirloom or Territorial Seed. Happy growing!