Jay flew into town mid-week (distracting me from writing a second post last week…) and we drove out a little early to the beach house. My friends joined us there closer to the actual weekend. We stayed in Rockaway Beach, took long beach walks, went on hikes, drank good beer and wine, ate way too much food, and watched a lot of episodes of Freaks and Geeks (the best TV show ever made). It was a wonderful birthday, being surrounded by all of the things I love.
Turning 30 can be a hard birthday for some people. It’s a new decade, which forces you to take an inventory of just what you have accomplished with the decade you are leaving. I spent my 20’s discovering who I am, finishing college, traveling and living abroad, building a successful career, chosing to leave said career for the path less traveled, and building a really wonderful group of strong friendships with some amazing people. There were some painful bumps in the road, but I survived stronger and wiser for it. When I look back at all of that, I am really proud of where I stand today and I couldn’t be more excited about turning 30. I squeezed every drop out of those 20’s.
Jay flies back to NYC today. School starts tomorrow. This year promises to be full of change and adventure, but I can hardly wait! Glad you readers are here to share in those adventures.
Happy birthday! By birthday was the 26th. Were we born on the same day?
Yes, we share the same bday!!
Happy birthday (late), chickadee! Looking forward to reading about your adventures…
Happy Birthday Renee. And many more….