Saturday was a really raining morning, the kind I actually prefer to work outside in. That meant fewer volunteers showed up, but the summer squash waits for no one – it still needed to be picked. If we decided to put it off a few more days, we would end up with baseball bat sized zucchinis.
With fewer people to take home the bounty, I foolishly volunteered to be the new home to two or three buckets of summer squash. It was a mixture of zucchini, yellow squash, and patty pan squash. I tell ya, I am so sick of looking at these buckets in my kitchen. I am down to just half of one bucket, but I am starting to lose my steam with them.
I made two batches of zucchini relish, with each batch calling for 12 cups of grated squash. The relish tastes really similar to sweet pickle relish. It can be a great way to use up those extra huge zucchinis, which are not good for much else.
As the canner quietly boiled on the stove, I dug out my beloved food dehydrator. My mandolin slicer cut the squash into very thin slices and they took about four hours to dry out completely. I am storing them in a plastic ziplock bag for use this winter in soups or stews. They also make great chips!
It hurts this time of year to have my chest freezer packed away in storage. If I had it around, I would grate summer squash into one cup increments and keep frozen until needed in zucchini bread or cookie recipes. Alas, I don’t have the space in this house.
I think one more round of dehydrating will clean out the kitchen of squash. I’m going to try thicker slices this time, so they can act as an alternative cracker for eating cheese. But man, I wish a zucchini fairy would sneak into my house and just silently take away these last few zucchinis…
I plan to post about this soon, but I have been drying zucchini 24/7 and wish I had more as I eat it as fast as I can dry it. I have been food processing a tomato, garlic, salt, and a wee bit of olive oil and dipping the slices in that before drying. They come out so good that they are addictive! I just started a new batch tonight with tomato and basil and some with tomato and jalepeno. Yum!
I’ve been making zucchini relish for a couple years now. Lots of people love it and jars of it make great gifts to give away. When it comes to getting rid of summer squash you can certainly make more relish than one household needs.
Here’s the recipe I use for zucchini relish:
You can dehydrate the shredded zucchini to use in your winter breads, cookies, etc. I read it in the book “Food Drying at Home: The Natural Way” by Bee Beyer.