I’m heading off this morning to my last week at work. After five years of working at the same place, and nine years working in this field, it feels a little weird to know this weekend will last for three years. I will be working hard in my graduate program, but I won’t be an office gal for awhile.
I spent the weekend weeding, working on the garden paths (still), planting drought-tolerant lavender, talking with the neighbors, visiting friends and napping. It was quite lovely and it was also probably the last weekend like this. Next week we will start packing, frantically building a coop for the chickens, and selling off things we don’t need anymore.
It feels like another hill to ride over on the rollercoaster before we are hopefully off this ride.
good luck on the MLA program! i know what a CRAZY whirlwind it is – I helped a partner through the program and saw it eat many relationships and several marriages….