I have been absorbed for the last couple weeks in historical nonfiction. Anything about frontier life in the US has captivated me. It spurred a renewed interest in a cookbook I have had for awhile, called Sowbelly and Sourdough: Original Recipes from the Trail Drives and Cow Camps of the 1800s. Not always the healthiest recipes, but an exception can be made every week or two.
I shared the pictures from this recipe in a recent post, but included it here as well so you could see how tempting and hearty this breakfast hash is. It seems like a great way to cook for a crowd – plus it calls for six eggs. I would put in 8 eggs because, hey, you’ve got ’em.
1 lb. bacon, saltpork, or sausage
4-5 potatoes, sliced or cubed
1 onion, diced
6 eggs (the more the merrier)
salt and pepper
In a large skillet, fry the bacon and set aside. Leave a fair amount of the bacon grease in the pan and brown the potatoes until tender. Just before the potatoes are done, add the diced onion and finish cooking. Crumble the cooked bacon back into the pan with the potatoes. Meanwhile, mix and hand whip the eggs in a bowl until well mixed. Pour egg mixture over the ingredients in the skillet. Salt and pepper to taste. While cooking, mix and scramble the whole mess together until eggs are cooked thoroughly.
We served the hash with baking powder biscuits that used some of the bacon grease. Since it was just the two of us, we reduced the amounts of everything but the eggs. I worked outside for about six hours afterwards so I could feel good about eating that much bacon. It was worth it.
Stay tuned for more egg-tastic recipes over the next few months. I would absolutely love to read your recipes as well that use at least 6 eggs!
This sounds good, I think I’d be full til noon after having this for breakfast!
One way we use up some eggs is to bake a cake. My son and daughter have birthdays the same week so our 2 chickens were working overtime to get us enough to do the baking.
creme brulee takes a dozen eggs…or custards.
The cowboy hash sounds simple and delicious. I love potatoes cooked in bacon grease. Way to go raising chickens. I’ve been buying eggs from a man keeping chickens down the road from me. They are so much better than the ones from the store.