I thought his speech was great and am completely guilty of taking a picture of the tv. I know there are better pictures, but this is a memory for me – that I was there with everyone else, glued to the tube.
The press kept talking a lot about how this is the first Black president – like a lot about it. And that’s understandable and a huge step for America. In addition, this was a momentous day for me because President Obama is the first president to make me feel like we can make a serious difference and get back on the track we walked away from little by little for decades. This is the first man to make me cry during political speeches, to motivate me to help our country, and to remind me in such a moving way that we have faced harder struggles than today and we were able to prevail.
This is a man that can teach us patience, tolerance and humility – something hugely lacking of late. This is a man who could motivate a country to tear up their lawns and grow victory gardens again. Whatever the next few years hold as we make up for the mistakes made over the last several years, I feel like we all have a new father for the country and I trust him, something I’ve never felt for a president.
Welcome President Barack Hussein Obama!
Hello Renee
I am a follower of your blog–being a newish resident of Lents with a big garden and aspirations for chickens.
I just came across your name in the TOL discussion about Sam Adams and was surprised by your comment. I for one would be equally upset by a 40 something man having a relationship with an 18 year old female intern. The gender has nothing to do with my outrage about this story. 18 year old brains are not even fully formed. A city council member having sex with a teen intern is a HUGE power imbalance. Sam knew this was wrong. It shows horrible judgment in the action and disgusting deception in lying about it and using it to smear an appointment and guilt the press…IMO. I had my doubts about Sam’s ability to keep himself out of the “tabloids” but voted for him anyway. I sincerely wish I had not–poor judgment on my part. Although I think he has great potential as a Mayor, I now wish he would resign. If he were a teacher having sex with his 18 year old female student, I would want the same.
opponent not appointment.
I hope you comment on OPB’s TOL as well, to keep the conversation going there! I think it’s great there is a forum like that to let the community talk about our local issues. We all come from different perspectives and backgrounds, but can all learn from each other.
I did post on TOL as well–although under a different name. Looking at my post I think it comes off angry at you–which I’m not. I just disagree. I see Sam’s actions as being very much connected to his job–not just something he did in his private life. His employees were concerned about his relationship with this young man because Beau was in the City Hall so often and so visibly. Sam of course lied to his employees as well. Just really poor judgment over and over again. Disappointing to say the least and, in my view, absolutely grounds for being fired from one’s job, even if that job is public office.
I continue to be inspired by your gardening, chicken rearing and green living in general.
Thank you for sharing.
No worries – I didn’t think you were being angry at me. I think we just have different perspectives, which is totally fine and we’re sharing them in a respectful way
Total. I’m from Adelaide, South Australia and think that Barak Obama can help motivate people worldwide to help their countries in a constructive way. I wish we had a leader of half his caliber and that’s not to say that Kevin Rudd our Prime Minister is so bad. He is outstanding in his presentation, demeanor and actions. He appears to be able to lead with a pragmatic consensus and his pragmatism includes the reality of environmental and moral issues that impact on both Americans and the rest of the world.
By the way love your approach to your own environment. Full on for the fruit and vegies.