(The art museum on campus)
(Vegetable Marker on UO’s Urban Farm)
(Winter cabbage on UO’s Urban Farm)
(Tunnel of Scarlet Runner Beans)
How cool is it that they have an urban farm? Students can take classes each term there learning about composting methods, cover crops, start seeds, reaping the harvest, etc. Had I known that as an undergrad, I probably would have taken that class every term to get my gardening fix out.
That’s all I’ve got. Now, back to this delicious asian pear chutney and cream cheese deliciousness!
I so have Eugene Envy also!!! My family is from there and in the old days farmed much of the land that is Eugene and Springfield. There are still many Chases still farming in the area. We live in Tennessee right now, but long to get back to that area. If you get to downtown Eugene, check out Harlequin Beads. My sister did a giant mosaic of lilies for the store front. She is an artist, avid gardener and massage therapist living in Eugene.