We were the only ones from Portland that made the drive, but it was worth it to meet such lovely people. An added bonus was the location of the meetup, at Meridian Park which is also the location of the Seattle Tilth demonstration gardens. They have a really great public garden there with detailed signs allowing you to take a self-guided tour. I saw examples of five different composting systems, espalier fruit trees, cover crops, companion plantings, plastic row covers for heat-loving plants, etc. Really encouraging to see something like that in the middle of town.
It was also encouraging to talk to NW gardeners and exchange woes. None of us seem to have any ripe tomatoes to speak of, which may be due to our late frost this Spring. Or maybe just cooler temperatures this summer. Everyone’s zucchini seems lackluster as well. I feel lucky to have planted all my yellow crookneck squash, lest I be completely squash-less this year.
Thanks to One Green Generation, Crunchy Chicken, and (not so) Urban Hennery for organizing the event! Nice to meet you all.
I’m glad it went well. We couldn’t make it as we had been in the city — at that very location, actually — most of the day on Saturday for the Tilth Harvest Festival. Oh well. I hope there will be another one.
Maybe when everyone’s seed catalogs arrive we can get together somewhere indoors, and drool over them together!
I’m glad you came up – it was good to meet you two!
What kind of cover crops were advocated? I really like buckwheat and cowpeas in summer and Austrian winter peas in, uh, winter.
Happy gardening!
I believe they were growing buckwheat, which makes sense since it’s summertime here. Not sure what they grow as cover crops in the winter though.