I will now be able to post new things while I am away on vacation! You can see what I’m currently growing in my garden. And if you are into it, you can follow me on Twitter and keep track of my photos on Flickr. Who knows what else we can do together!
Make sure to update your bookmarks, CSS feeds, blogroll, etc with this new address. My old blog address will start automatically forwarding you to my new home here. I am sure this website will evolve a lot over the next couple months. Thanks for making the transition with me!
congrats! this is my first post in your blog, but i fallow since blogspot, so i so happy to see you are growing like your plants and chicks!, i´m illustrator but love plants, and also have a growing vegetables too!, greeting from a little country in argentina.
It all looks great – how exciting !!
I’ll come back again to have a proper look round – there’s just too much to take in in one go.
Irene x
Thank you for making the jump with me to the new site. You guys are very encouraging