The bees are buzzing all over the yard – through the daisies, artichokes, and echinacea. I noticed tons of aphids crawling all over the nasturtium, so I sprayed them off with a strong hose this weekend. Last year I made the mistake of planting nasturtium in the beds and ended up with aphids all over. This year I learned and planted them a little further away, but still close enough to tempt the pests. It seems to be working. I also noticed plenty of ladybugs around the artichokes, which no longer have any aphids. It must have been a feeding frenzy when the good ladybugs found the aphid encampment.
Too many artichokes were allowed to flower this Spring. I didn’t get to them in time to eat, so I thought it would be fun to have them all blooming. The blooms have gotten so heavy though that they pulled the stalks over. I ran out tonight and chopped them back down. Hopefully they will sprout up new leaves, and maybe even some Fall artichokes for eating.
There are a few blossoms on my tomato plants. I am thinking tomato season will arrive in about two weeks in my backyard. Last night was the official start of zucchini season, as I harvested my first two of the summer. I am growing little pitty-patty squash as well, which seem to be flowering.
Several people coming through our yard for the Tour de Coops asked about some melons I have growing that have lovely coloring on their leaves. Unfortunately I won’t know what variety of melon is responsible until I have something to harvest. Things just get planted here and there, and I never seem to have time for pant markers.
There is plenty more to write about, but I have spent too much time at the computer today and not enough time planning my fall crop plantings. If I don’t make time to get more seeds in the ground, I’ll be forced to buy produce again as early as October – ack!
OMG is that an artichoke flower?? That is so beautiful! I’d be tempted to plant much more artichokes than I needed just to let some of them bloom.
I love nature.