When Jay and I returned from a year living abroad in Spain, I decided to save my money for a scooter of my own. They are all over Barcelona and seem so practical when you consider gas costs in Europe, emission standards, parking, etc. Right as I had my money saved up though, life got in the way. We adopted a greyhound, we got hitched, we bought a house with a garden of my very own. All these things were more important to me than the scooter.
The idea has resurfaced and I’ve decided it’s time to get a softly purring scooter of my own. Of the little driving we do, most is close to home but far enough that we don’t ride our bike. As fuel prices increase, with no sign of coming back down, the time is now.
Lucky for me that I have a few motorcycling/scootering friends of my own to guide me with my purchase. I wanted it to be easy and fun – resisting the urge to research every single little thing before buying. So I went with the recommendation of a friend that knows way too much about two-wheeled objects and enough about me to make a good recommendation. We are buying a Yamaha Vino. Grey, so I have endless options for accessories. 90-something mpg, low emissions, and adorable.
Buying this particular bike means getting a motorcycle license, because it is a larger engine allowing two people to ride at once. It is funny to think about – me with a motorcycle license? And I hope my dad doesn’t have a stroke reading this, since he had an “incident” on his old Triumph earlier this year. But I’m only planning on using the license to operate the scooter and I feel very comfortable on the bike. Not sure I would feel that way on a huge, vintage Triumph.
Now comes even more fun stuff. Like, which jacket color combination do I choose? And can I find a matching helmet? With the money we save on gas, there should be plenty leftover for the “flare”.
Hurrah for scoots! I wanted a motorcycle for the longest time but hubby had grown up with friends who had them, rode his fair share, and is now very wary of them (because cars don’t always see them and an accident could lead to death). We compromised with a scooter. Mine is a simple 50cc Kymco People 50, so no license required, but a mechanical tweak lets me go 45-50 mph when I need to (though mostly I stay on the back streets – less traffic anyway) and I get about 75 mpg.
I use it mostly to commute to work and I love it! I rode it throughout the winter with the exception of a few of the wettest/windiest/snow-threatening days.
Dang, now I wish I had an orange jacket!
Yeah!! We just got a scooter too!! I had no idea how much fun it would be to ride it, although I do freak myself out every now and then when I realize how fast I’m going. Chicken girls on scooters, weee!
Go Chicken Scooter girls! I kinda want one now, especially with the 75 miles per gallon. Have you discovered who the rooster is?
No discovery on who the rooster culprit is yet. I am thinking this weekend we might head another crow.
The scooter actually gets 98 miles to the gallon – can you believe that! We are talking about taking the scooter on our annual vacation to Bend, which is three hours away, instead of our car. It can go 65 mph and gets SUCH better gas mileage!
A little late on reading this but I wanted to post anyway. A scooter is a great thing. We got ours early this summer as well (who didn’t right?) and I’ve ridden it to work almost every day. My wife surprised me with it for Father’s Day. I think she’s enjoyed it as much as I have though because every day I get home from work she always has an “errand,” she must run. She’s probably just out riding around, but hey, can you blame her. Ours is an Argo 150-18 (http://www.bajajusa.com/). It has the same engine as your Vino. The Argo has been great so far (nearly 1500 miles in less than 3 months) and we’re getting about the same mileage, 95-100mpg. I’ve enjoyed poking around on your blog. If I ever get mine up and running I’ll send you the link. Enjoy the late summer and early Fall.
Welcome Patrick! The scooter has been a huge kick in the pants. We have 900 miles so far after 3 months. Glad you are on the scooter train too! What an awesome Father’s Day gift.