As I type this, our greyhound Howard just gets more exhausted thinking about it. And honestly, it makes me tired just thinking about it. I fret over all of this knowing there will probably only be a handful of people that make it through our backyard, and I think I might know all of them. The biggest benefit for me has been an excuse to get the garden in shape and also a great opportunity to meet other hip gardeners in the ‘hood.
It feels a lot like having company over though when you know your house is a mess. And they say “Oh, no, don’t worry about it! It will just be fun to see your place!” But really the whole time you are plotting an occasion to ask them back over when your house is cleaner so they get a better impression.
And the earlier picture of Howard was completely a lame excuse to put that picture in here. He just looks so funny when he wakes up from a nap with his tongue still hanging out of one side of his mouth… Ahem.
I stumbled across your blog (I’m not even sure how) and have been incredibly inspired. I have read Gaia’s Garden and am thinking about how to incorporate permaculture principles into our yard. Would you mind if we stop by your house during the tour? (even though we probably won’t do the rest of the tour).
This isn’t tour related but I can’t find your contact info anywhere… I just trimmed a couple of my tomato plants and was wondering if you’d like some of the trimmings? I have successfully in the past put trimmings in water and rooted them, then planted and reaped the benefits (this late in the season, too)! I live in NE by Lloyd Center. My email is j a n e l l e s a t j p s . n e t (minus the spaces).
Jennifer – of course you are welcome to stop by! Just let me know it’s you and we can talk shop.
Janelle, I tried emailing you so hopefully I copied the address correctly. I have ten tomatoes out back, so I think we are covered for the summer! We’ll be late, but better late than never.
Oh the wonders of an adrenaline rush! You can accompish so much in a time crunch with that rush. I’m sure you’ll complete everything on your to-do list.