One post a week turned to two posts a week. Lately I’ve been writing more like three. Sometimes a little more, a little less. The gardening bug has been growing and growing inside of me.
I began with a new-to-me old house, a huge yard of grass, and some pent up ambition from years of renting with no permanent garden. I would say I have come a long way. And although the triumphs come with some failures, they have not been as frequent of failings as I initially thought. Now I have no grass. I have urban chickens, and then some. The food forest is reaching upwards everyday. Life has gotten complicated this past year, and life has gotten simpler too.
The best surprise has been having all you readers here with me – helping me solve problems, giving me encouragement, and sharing ideas. I love it that we are both interested in this stuff and in it together. Thanks.
Now for the year in review via photos. Here is the backyard from last April:
Here is the backyard, picture taken this evening (click for bigger view):
I wonder what next year will bring?
Hi Clogs
Happy Anniversary!!
Hope you have many years of blogging left, I enjoy your posts
Yea for a whole year! I want to tell you that I really enjoy your work, both your words and your actions. From what you have shown us, you have done incredible upgrades. Thanks for sharing with us!
hi muddy clogs-
i found you through readymade’s link to your newspaper pots (and you generously answered my new mexico soil question–thank you), and i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy reading your blog. it rocks. we are doing similar things to a new-to-us house here in albuquerque and it is great to read your adventures. we are also building a pergola this summer–to (hopefully) go with a basketball court we want to pour by june. and, we are getting guinea hens in a couple of weeks! they seem to thrive here, but i haven’t raised them before. any thoughts? also, how do you get your several pictures to blend together to form one big/long one?
thanks again for writing about your world.
happy blog-o-versary!!
You’re done a LOT in a year, and I love to follow your backyard adventures. This lifestyle is so fulfilling, isn’t it?
Happy anniversary. We just had our first too.
Best to you all.
Thanks for the praise guys! Sometimes I feel like my steps are too small, but small steps lead to bigger ones, right?
Lost – I have no experience with guinea hens, but I am eager to hear how that goes for you down south! Since I don’t have a digital camera with a panoramic setting, I take several pictures and arrange them together in Photoshop. Gotta love the power of Photoshop