I showed incredible restraint throughout the pleasant morning. Unbelievable restraint in fact. The weather was gorgeous, produce was everywhere, and plants were beckoning my name. Herbs and vegetable starts of all kinds were available for purchase. It was almost too much for me, but logic prevailed.
You, dear reader, may feel this same phenomena, but it’s almost as if plants are pulling me to them. I have no choice but to nose around them, touching their leaves, taking in the smell. I can be mid-conversation and start drifting away, towards the little green things as my sentences trail off… Luckily I couldn’t justify buying any of them since I have about six of everything already planted outside or growing on my record player.
(Side note, they were selling huge tomato plants for $15 bucks a piece! Can you believe that? Yikes – that’s pricey…)
Often times I get too utilitarian at the market, only focusing on food produce. But this time I decided to get a little whimsical and buy some fun things. I found some black pussy willow, which I have never seen before, so I picked up a bundle. I also bought some herb Havarti cheese from a local dairy. Some other basics like potatoes found their way home with me as well, but cheese and flowers seem like excessive fun. Walking down the park blocks with the sun on my face and a canvas bag full of goodies with flower poking out is a good way to sum up the perfect morning.
I made a sweet arrangement with the willow and some freshly picked tulips from my backyard. The leftover willow went in an old tin vase, which looks lovely on its own. Jay and I ate breakfast for dinner that evening with the potatoes and fresh eggs and herbs from our backyard. It was a great way to enjoy everything from the market, including the new flower arrangement.
What a great way to spend one of the few sunny spring days in Portland. After this fabulous Saturday, it was back to shoveling up sod under the pergola for our patio project. By the end of the day Sunday we had a lot to show for our weekend.