Chick #1
Breed: Araucana
Coloring: Grey/White
Egg Color: Blue-Green
Additional: She’s a “floater”, neither the top nor bottom of the pecking order. She is still the cutest.
Chick #2
Breed: Rhode Island Red
Coloring: Reddish Brown
Egg Color: Light Brown
Additional: She is the leader and wins the curiosity award. The first to jump on the feed and water containers and usually the first to eat from my hand.
Chicken #3
Breed: Brahma
Coloring: White, feathered legs
Egg Color: Brown
Additional: The feathered legs are getting more pronounced. She’s a little tall and lanky currently, like the girl in third grade who is a foot taller than everyone else.
Chicken #4
Breed: Plymouth Rock
Coloring: Black/White
Egg Color: Brown
Additional: She is still the smallest, but she is growing and keeping up with the big girls just fine (enter sigh of relief here)
Chick #5
Breed: Araucana
Coloring: Brown
Egg Color: Blue-Green
Additional: She still looks like she is wearing eye liner. She was squawking the most when Chick #2 jumped up on the feeder – I think she has jealousy issues.
I am mulling over a semi-crazy idea for the chickens and I am curious to see if you guys think this is a bad idea. These chickens are going to lay like crazy once they get going, but they will probably be about six months old when they do start laying. I will probably adopt them out when they are around 3-4 months old. My current girls are slowing down a lot in egg production, which I am okay with, but they are in full laying mode for the season.
What if I join the two flocks though? I could wait until they all reestablish the new pecking order and then adopt out half of the joined flock. Whoever I adopted them out to would have two first-season girls (who probably won’t be laying yet and might still be a little awkward looking) and two older girls (who would be laying, but not every single day). The adopter would have two already laying chickens and more to start laying in a few months. I would be able to add more years to my flock by mixing in older girls with younger girls too.
Is this cruel? Am I heartless for feeling okay parting with one or two of my older hens? My farmer friend seems to think this would work out well, but I am curious what you guys have to say…
I’ve had hens coming and going for the last year or so for various reasons. A couple because I didn’t like the hen, a couple because I had too many and a friend lost hers to dogs and a couple just because. It’s always sad to see them go, but in the end what matters is that you sustain your flock in a way that matters to you and that you ensure that the ones you give away go to a good home.
I say go for it. You’ll make someone very happy to not have to wait for eggs. And mixing the flocks shouldn’t be an issue. Just put the little girls in at night and make sure there’s somewhere they can go that the big girls can’t.
I’ll be combining my 10 chicks with my 4 older hens in a couple of weeks and that’s how it’s worked for me in the past.
Good luck! They sure are cute!
Chicks 1 and 4 are mixed up. I raise both the rocks and the Easter Eggers and and just wanted to let you know. Barred Rocks are black as chicks, with white head spots. Easter Eggers almost always have eyeliner and come in a variety of colors.
I enjoy reading your blog, very interesting and informative!
Love this blog – still laughing at the descriptions of the chicks – lol @ #5 jealousy issues!
This is a problem I have been thinking about, but since mine are only a week old, I will learn from you. I think it’s a good plan!
You guys are all so supportive! Thanks for the great feedback and glad to know I am not a heartless urban chicken-keeper for considering this as an option
I think this plan will both give someone else a jump-start on having eggs, and will give you some younger hens that will keep your flock going. I think it’s a great idea!
Angie – thank you for correcting me!
I went back and revised my posts. I totally spaced that one.
Elizabeth – thanks for the support!