Chick #1
Breed: Araucana
Gender: Straight Run (50% chance she’s a she)
Coloring: Grey/White
Egg Color: Blue-Green
Additional: Wins the cutest, fuzziest award
Chick #2
Breed: Rhode Island Red
Gender: Pullet (75% chance she’s a she)
Coloring: Reddish Brown
Egg Color: Light Brown
Additional: She has grown in the most feathers
Chicken #3
Breed: Brahma
Gender: Pullet (75% chance she’s a she)
Coloring: White, feathered legs
Egg Color: Brown
Additional: This breed has cool feathered legs
Chicken #4
Breed: Barred Plymouth Rock
Gender: Pullet (75% chance she’s a she)
Coloring: White/Black
Egg Color: Brown
Additional: I am a little worried about this girl. She is the runt…
Chick #5
Breed: Araucana
Gender: Straight Run (50% chance she’s a she)
Coloring: Brown
Egg Color: Blue-Green
Additional: She looks like she is wearing eye liner
As I mentioned above, the little black Plymouth Rock isn’t growing as fast as the others, so I am keeping an eye on her. She seems to be active though, eating and drinking water. I came home from work tonight, changed the bedding and watched as they all inhaled massive amounts of chick feed. About three minutes I looked over and the feeding frenzy had ended – they were all laying in a pile passed out.
So cute! Yours are about a week younger than mine. My runt is still holding her own at 15 days old. I’m starting to thing she’s really a stow away banty.
Don’t name then, once you do there’s no going back
I’ve got a runt, too. She just doesn’t seem to be growing like the others. She is sleepier, too. But just when we think we should separate her and hand feed her, she starts running around and eating and drinking. So, I don’t know!
I was joking around with my oldest son about when they were going to turn the rooster at his dad’s house into Sunday dinner and my son said, “We can’t eat Roo! He has a name!” It’s funny how naming an animal always makes you more attached.
The chicks are adorable!
I want to get some chicks this year. I say that every year and haven’t done it yet. I enjoyed your blog.
Nice photos! I like all of your choices of chicks. Looking forward to seeing them grow.
I found your blog looking for pictures of growing potatoes in tires…I just got chicks too! Yay urban chicks. Your girls are cute.