Christmas morning I made a delicious apple pie, which I enjoyed for breakfast many mornings after. I had two dogs (one borrowed) and a cat keeping me company in our toasty house. And I just kept thinking about the urban chickens huddling together on the chilly morning. So I decided to share some Christmas morning goodies with the girls.
I piled the apple peels in a bowl, piled on some steaming oatmeal, and sprinkled chicken scratch over the combo like a big sundae. Pretty tasty if I do say so myself. (The picture to the right is pre-seed topping)
Now, I know chickens are not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. And I love them for other reasons. But man, they really shock me with the lack of intelligence sometimes. I hope this isn’t mean, but they are just really stupid – there is a reason the phrase “chicken brain” exists, and it’s not meant to be complimentary. Basically, they pecked off the seeds, nibbled at some of the oatmeal, but never understood the apple peels. The existence of delicious, fresh, sweet fruit was lost on them. Seriously girls. Seriously. What did you eat before people dried seeds for you and made chicken pellets?
Sigh. I will have to continue relying on the compost bin as the recipient of most kitchen scraps, but you can’t say I’ve never tried exploring their culinary pea-sized minds.
I raise chickens also and have noticed my flock is a wee bit picky on certain items. Pumpkin, carrot peelings and lettuce are not their favorite snackies. They enjoyed a nice fresh “toad” in the garden. I wasn’t too pleased as that was our one and only toad!
My hubby has taken to making them a warm “soup” on cold days of water, leftover scraps and cracked corn. I told the chickens don’t expect that sort of treatment from me! *lol*
I enjoy your blog!
I just came across your blog recently and have really been enjoying catching up on all of your projects!
Have you seen this video? My mom (who has a backyard flock of bantam cochins) sent it to me a while ago. I love it when the lady calls chickens stupid.
I will bet that within a year, you will buy a goat.
Ben, I wouldn’t be surprised, although I will try to resist that step. You know I love cheese. Mmmmm, endless goat cheese…