I finally got around to seeing this Irish film called “Once“. I’ve been hearing about it for awhile from friends. It’s now playing at all the fabulous second-run movie theaters in Portland, so I checked it out the other night not knowing what to expect really. It was so moving – I can’t recommend it highly enough.
The movie is about a busker in Dublin who meets a young woman from Czech who sells flowers on the street. She turns out to be an accomplished musician herself and they embark on a week-long journey of making music together. It’s basically a love story about two people whose paths cross for a short while, but have an enormous affect on each other. The tag line is “How often do you find the right person?”
Here is the preview for the film:
A beautiful movie. It was made on a shoe-string budget of $160,000 and has received tons of critical acclaim, doing well at Sundance amongst others. The actors are not not professional actors, but rather musicians. Since completing the film, they have begun to date each other which seems really sweet.
I fell in love with the music and ran home to download the whole soundtrack off iTunes. You can also check it out here on Amazon.com. Perhaps the sweetest love story I’ve seen in a long, long time. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
hey… nice blog.. and thanks for this movie… will check out… i need to see something like this to reaffirm my faith in love! (:
I loved this movie. So sweet. Lots to think about in regard to the nature of love. I saw it twice–the second time I got my husband to see it too. He liked it too! So I know it’s not just a chick flick.