My favorite part in the city was spending an evening with some foodies talking about gardening. The two often go hand-in-hand. Although hard to do in New York, we were talking about the challenges of cultivating a small garden and cramming enough food producing plants into small areas. I mentioned some of these crazy fruit trees and shrubs the folks at One Green World are cultivating, since I am still hopped up from that trip a couple weeks ago, and it felt great to share the same excitement with some new friends.
Ah, New York. How can we stay mad at you? We can’t. I love that city, although I realize if I lived there I would probably have to work 60 hours a week, leaving no time for ceramics nor gardening.
Now I am in LA, wrapping up my trip. I was by the beach the other day and there was no separation between the yellow sand and yellow sky, a product of the nearby wildfires. More trees than in NY, more sun, but not necessarily a place that makes me feel at home so much. It’s fun to play along here for a few days, but I am starting to long for real conversation and the comforts of Portland.
Tonight I’ll be home and will start posting more regularly. I have some exciting projects at my ceramics studio and we are trying to work with a local tree service to dump off wood chips so we can begin the Great Sheet Mulching 2007 (that’s what I am calling it now). I think I will take the weekend to go on some long bike rides in P-town too – I have been eating way, way to well here.
Welcome back!
I like the photo – where’s it from?
You love NY? Now I know we’re complete opposites.
Hey, I was driving around the east side the other day and saw a HUGE pile of what appeared to be cedar chips. Not sure if they were free for the taking or not. As your LA travel partner about it if you’re interested. She was with me.