I had the opportunity recently to see an advanced showing of this movie coming out called “Into the Wild“, which is based on the non-fiction novel of the same title by Jon Krakauer. I walked into this movie knowing nothing about the storyline. Hey, it was a free movie with some friends and I had nothing better to do. Since walking out, I am kind of getting obsessed with the story.
Disclaimer: If you plan to see the movie and don’t want to know what happens, stop reading now.
Jon Krakauer wrote a short story for Outside Magazine back in 1993 titled “Death of an Innocent“. He was asked to write the article after the body of a young man from a well-off family was found alone in the Alaskan wilderness. The body was identified as Christopher McCandless, who died from starvation.
As Jon Krakauer wrote the short story that documented Christopher’s experience that lead him to Alaska, and eventually to his death, the author became obsessed to a certain extent with the story as well. Admittedly, the author found some similarities between himself and Christopher. The article in Outside Magazine generated more letters from readers than any other article in the history of the magazine.
Jon Krakauer’s passion for the story lead him to write the novel titled “Into the Wild” based on Christopher’s untold story. Sean Penn wrote the screen play and directed the film. Eddie Vedder created original music for the film. I am not a film critic, but I enjoyed it. I am planning on reading the book shortly.
It’s funny that most people I have spoken with about the story are one of two extreme sides of thought. They either strongly believe this kid was a reckless idiot, who deserved his fate, and there is nothing unique or special about his story. Or else they are like me and have this strange and strong fascination with this young man who dropped out of society, seeking answers to questions most people never ask, and being drawn back to the simplest form of life in the roughed wild.
I encourage you to read the original article from Outside Magazine if you haven’t seen it before – again it’s called Death of an Innocent. It’s long, but I couldn’t stop once I started reading it. Just like Christopher was for some inexplicable reason drawn to this isolated corner of the world, I am somehow drawn to his story. It seriously pains my heart.
Catherine Keener plays this wonderful hippie momma in the movie and has a line about not being able to hug Christopher goodbye because her heart can’t take it. That’s such a feeling I can relate to – always believing the best in people and wearing my heart on my sleeve. She had a really moving part in the movie and is an actor I like a lot in general already. The movie had great supporting actors all around.
I am not saying this was the best movie I have ever seen, but it certainly gave me something to think about for the past couple days. If you end up seeing it, I hope it gives you something to think about as well.
I agree with you on the movie and story. I read the book shortly after it was out and was eerily fascinated by his downfall, but it was also heart wrenching. Since I was the same age as he was when he did this, and moved out to Portland not knowing a soul, I could almost relate. Of course, my journey was nowhere as intense as his.
I actually found the movie a bit boring, except for the last half hour or so. I work with a guy who had done this same thing when he was 18, but he ended up surviving for 4 years and built a cabin after living in a plastic tent. He puts on an amazing slide show and I’d like to find a producer of some sort to get his story out there more, like on OPB or something. He has actually seen the movie and stated that they don’t represent Alaska at all like it is. Outside in spring with no shirt and no mosquitos??? I guess that’s Hollywood for you.
Anyway, sorry for babbling. I do like your blog and will have to hit it again for gardening inspiration!