Apparently I am a huge procrastinator. Who knew? Okay, I actually knew that already, but maybe you didn’t? A little off topic, but the headlight on our car has been out for a month, I’ve been pulled over and given warnings twice, and yet it still has no new headlight. An auto parts store is six blocks away. It’s a lovely summer day for a walk. And yet I have no ounce of intention to walk over and take care of this business.

In the same manner, we have needed to go grocery shopping for two weeks now. That is actually two solid weeks of saying every day, at least once, “We really, really need to just go grocery shopping…” Many planned trips have been made, and all have failed. If it wasn’t for our backyard, we may have starved to death by now. But lucky for me I can always muster the energy and ambition to take care of business when it’s gardening-related. It has also been giving me more satisfaction that I am using everything I’ve grown, with nothing going to waste.
I had a huge haul in the garden the other evening, picking three varieties of beans, bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini, crookneck squash and yellow pear tomatoes. It’s such a proud walk back to the house when I am juggling a huge mound of produce. It became a terrific opportunity for Jay and I to further procrastinate ever leaving the house!
We made an awesome dinner last night of sauteed green beans, red bell pepper, and cashews served over the last of our rice. This morning we were able to milk it even more with a summer scramble complete with two tomato varieties, zucchini, chives, local shallots and garlic, and delicious eggs generously donated from the girls.
Today, while I am not changing the headlight on the car, I might be even more ambitious with some canning projects. I have this great book called Preserving the Harvest I have mentioned on here before, but I kind of forgot about since it’s been a year since I last needed to preserve… It has some yummy sounding recipes for honey carrots and zucchini/corn salsa that I want to try out. I’ll keep you posted if they turn out and be sure to share the recipes!
What gorgeous veggies! I’m salivating.