Mulch is a real help in the backyard for a few reasons:
- Retains water which means your plants will dry out slower
- Insulates plants when it’s cold outside (like a fluffy blanket)
- Occupies bare ground that would otherwise be occupied by weeds
- Protects the damp earth from drying out faster by shielding it from the sun
- Adds organic matter that will naturally compost in place, adding nutrients to your soil
There are several mulch materials you can chose from including grass clippings, wood chips, bark dust/beauty bark, leaves, and so on. I use straw as bedding in my little urban chicken coop, which gets cleaned out once a week. Back in February when I was transplanting new trees and shrubs into the backyard, I covered them all with a nice thick helping of chicken manure-filled straw. The plants enjoyed the nitrogen shot from the chicken manure, and the warmth from the organic material.

I began allowing my chickens to free-range in the backyard all day. Over time they got smart to where the bugs and worms were and began scratching through my tidy straw hills into the ground. Straw went everywhere in the yard and, I’m sorry, but I like to be a little tidy. Around that time Mt Scott Fuel delivered my huge load of 4-way soil mix, in which 1/4 is mulch material as well, in the form of wood chips. My new tactic was to pile the straw back into place and cover with what appeared to the chickens to be run-of-the-mill-dirt. As long as no straw stuck out, they had no idea there was straw in there. I had to be tricksie though – if even a little peeked out they would not rest until they had dug to China.

Happy Mulching!
Great thinking! I don’t use straw as mulch in my Portland garden because I’ve seen it actually mold here in our rainy weather. We cover the beds during the winter with leaves, and if we chop them up with a weedeater first, they’ll not only prevent seeds from germinating but they’ll break down and feed the soil as well.