I am a little too anal to have that kind of casual elegance. So if you see something cool in my garden, chances are I wracked my brain to come up with that idea. Some ideas like the bean/pea tee pee I saw in other great gardens. The peas are now chopped down, as they started to yellow with the increased heat, so beans are now getting their start in place.

And now enter the “projects” category. My sister replaced her old windows with nice new vinyl windows (I have window envy, since our house is from 1927 and pretty much the same temperature outside as in…). I plan to use this fabulous pile of old windows to build a small greenhouse. There isn’t a good system for growing from seed in my little house, and this saves me the cash buying all the equipment. All I need now is figure out how to build a fricking greenhouse… I did figure out how to build a 4’x6′ coop, so I feel like I’m not out of my league.
Finally, Jay picked up these little light globes on a corner where someone was giving them away from free. I just KNOW if I think hard enough the idea will come to me… Of course if you have a bright idea on how to use these, I’d love to hear it! I’m also wondering where everyone gets their ideas. Is there some great book I’ve missed, or are you guys just borrowing ideas from other cool gardens you’ve seen?

How fun how fun how fun. I struggle with looking like having a yard full of junk and looking cool. I think it’s a fine line!
As for those glass light fixtures, I got a bunch of them at the rebuilding center, wrapped fine wire around the tops and then made hanging handles with the wire (at different lengths) and hung them all in a tree. Place tea candles in them, and they make a beautiful display of glowing orbs. The only thing to remember…rain will puddle in them, and you can’t hang them so high that you can’t get one of those long lighters in them to light the candles.
Whatever you do, post photos! Your post has inspired me to blog about what we’ve done with old shutters in the garden.