To give you some background, almost a year ago we moved into this very unloved and neglected 1927 bungalow. As soon as we moved in, we spent many weekends and evenings working on the interior: painting those drab white walls, peeling off crumbling plaster, fixing plumbing problems, installing a dishwasher, etc. Then our focus moved outside to the yard, slowly turning an all-grass backyard into a budding garden. Currently the house is in desperate need of an exterior paint job. There are siding boards that need replacing, paint chipping everywhere, and in many cases paint is gone and the boards are just exposed to the elements.
Our little election will be voting on what color we should paint our house!
I did a little work in Photo Shop and please keep in mind I am not an expert. But these pictures should give you a general idea of what our three options are. A few other notes of interest before you vote:
- Focus on the main color, not the trim/accent colors
- Feel free to make a suggestion on trim/accent colors if you have a better combo idea
- You can only vote for one of these three colors for the main color
Please refer to the photo immediately below which is a small snapshot of our neighbors’ houses. Think about what our house color will look like next to theirs (maybe all three options would look fine?)
Let’s bring in the contestants… (drum roll please)
Option #1: Georgia Yellow (this looks little brighter than I think it is…)
Option #2: Cogswell Cedar (Red)
Option #3: Rocky Hill (Blue)
To vote, you need to just post a comment. There should be a little “comment” link at the bottom of this post. Click on that and type in your color vote. You will need to choose an identity to leave your comment: Blogger ID (if you have one), Other (just type in the name you want to appear), or Anonymous. Chose one of those three buttons and publish your comment! I had feedback from a reader who was unable to comment, so this is acting as a test as well
#2! With a creamy white trim. Though any red may fade a little bit and become pinkish.
Picking paint color is hard—good luck!
The blue would look really nice and contrast well with the plants you plan to add in the front yard, since blue isn’t as common in flowers. (P.S. I’ve never had problems commenting and I don’t have a Blogger acocunt)
No contest. My living room is red and I love that color in its many shades on just about everything.
Judi M.
You put me in a precarious position. I’m not a big one for bold colors on the exterior of a house. But we’ve already established that you an I are COMPLETE opposites. That is, in fact, why I like you. My first choice would be a taupe with white trim and a black door. But given the choices here, I’d have to go with red.
blue all the way! i will still enter your abode whatever you may choose, but blue is def the clear winner
Good choice kids. It turned out real nice, and of the three colors, the blue was the best pick in my opinion.