My husband Jay bought me a great book I hope to put to good use this Fall. I thought it would be a nice time to share it with you all, before the harvest sets in and we are all too buried under our produce. It’s called The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest: 150 Recipes for Freezing, Canning, Drying, and Pickling Fruits and Vegetables, by Carol Costenbader.
In the past I have always moved in August when my annual lease was up – right when the tomatoes are hanging, the zucchini is running wild, and the herb garden is prolific. But not this year. This year will be the year of canning, drying, and freezing. And no landlord will stop me in my quest!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
Lucky for me, I grew up in a home with a huge garden and orchard and a loving mother that believed good food was important. She is also a fantastic planner. So by the time the tomatoes were overrun, she was all set to can stewed tomatoes for the winter. Berries were made into jam. Apples churned into applesauce. And even luckier for me that she kept all her canning equipment and doesn’t mind showing me the ropes this fall.
So consider this post a head’s up for you gardeners. As we’re manically shoving seeds in the ground today, it’s a good idea to start planning our harvest for tomorrow.
Have any good canning recipes or food savings tips of your own? Post them in the comments section. My latest one is freezing snow peas. They are coming out of our ears!!
You were a lucky girl – I think the rest of America was raised on processed meat and Little Debbie snacks! I actually make stews in a big huge batch with my veggies and tomatoes for canning. It makes awesome quick meals packed with good stuff to get through those long winters with no fresh veggies.
that you have a support in the family is wonderful,.. i am impressed.
i love the photos added to blogs……keep adding you have a reader!
Planning really is one of the ingredients to a happy healthy home….. good luck with that.