You can find this picture on my Flickr page and can print it off in various sizes here.
I would just like to put a disclaimer here that this is year one of using this handy little chart, so I won’t be held responsible for killing your plants – just my own. Plus, I got a little gardening fever and pretty much shoved all my seeds in the ground last week anyways, so we’ll see what happens.
The number in parentheses is how many days it takes the plant to produce, typically. The structure of the chart was so I could try out some succession planting, so it shows which months I can keep putting seeds in the ground. The “C” stands for cloche and “T” for having to use transplants. You can start a lot of these indoors earlier, but I am a direct-sow kinda girl.
Okay, I’m done exposing my nerdiness for now…
I love the vase idea. I always wanted to try those victorian bell jars, but they can be pretty expensive. Nice solution!
How do you inoculate pea seed?We asked at our Greenery and they don’t know.
Last year the peas did very poorly
Rosemary, check out this webpage about inoculating peas: I typically don’t inoculate mine, although I do try to soak them overnight in water before planting to loosen the outer skin of the seed. Good luck to you!
i can’t read your guide very well. Can you make it downloadable?
Mason, the spreadsheet is from several years ago, so the original is long gone unfortunately. Download the jpeg at it’s original size from my Flickr page here: Once downloaded, you should be able to zoom in and out to read on your screen or print out more clearly. Good luck to you!