As I’ve mentioned before, I adopted my girls off Craig’s List, and unfortunately they had decided to take a winter break from laying shortly before I brought them home. I had all but given up when one day I got the impulse to check the egg door. I had been disappointed too many times before, but oh… this day was different.
2 tablespoons/30 g minced chives or onions
1 1/2 cups/400 g fresh herbs and greens, all carefully cleaned and dried, then torn into small pieces
12 large eggs
6 tablespoons/100 ml whole or low-fat milk
1 tablespoon/15 g unbleached all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons/30 grams grated aged or semi-aged Montasio cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
Thoroughly butter the bottom and sides of an 8-inch/20-cm nonstick skillet. If 2 tablespoons/30 g are not sufficient, use more butter. Place the pan over low heat; when the butter becomes warm, add the chives or onions. Heat gently, just until they give off a little fragrance. Add the herbs and greens and, if necessary, a little more butter. Stir so that all the flavors mingle.
While the greens are heating, beat the eggs, milk, flour, cheese, and a little pepper into a large bowl. Add the egg mixture to the greens and stir with a fork, taking care to avoid scraping the fork along the bottom of the pan. While working with the fork in one hand, shake the pan continuously to prevent the frittata from sticking.
Variations: To make a baked omelet, preheat the oven to 300°F/150 °C. Prepare the greens as above and transfer to a buttered 8-inch/20-cm baking dish. Beat the eggs, milk, flour, cheese, and pepper in a large bowl and pour over the greens. Bake for 15 minutes, unmold onto a plate, cut into wedges, and serve.
Makes 4 to 8 servings.
La Terra Fortunata May 2001 Fred PlotkinBroadway © CondéNet, Inc. All rights reserved.”
I love your excitement over the first egg. I have three Rhode Island Reds and I feel that way everyday still when I go collect the eggs. Such rewarding pets! They entertain us AND feed us.